Saturday, February 5, 2011

Spider-man is a gay?

The fourth installment of Spider-man is still in filming process. Andrew Garfield, the star from “The Social Network”, takes over from Tobey Maguire as the lead actor.

The latest instalment, due out next year, will focus on Peter Parker's school days. The movie will see teen Peter Parker who grapples with both contemporary human problems and amazing super-human crises.
 The question is, Do you know why Tobey rejected the chance to be in this fourth installment of Spider-man?

Here’s my assumption, based on the photos taken from the set of “Spider-man”.

1)   Spider-man is a gay J

2)   Spider-man will have dirty suit. It is no longer proud to wear that spider suit!! Notice which part is the dirtiest? Lol

Now, which part is the dirtiest?

The "gay" photo of Spider-man was snapped when Spidey is grappling with a man believed to be playing a burglar who is trying to break in a car. 

(have to explain this, else Marvel Comics or Sony Pictures Entertainment might sue me)

On why Spider-man has dirty suit at "that" place..I have no idea. =p We'll see what happen in the movie!

I can’t wait to watch Spider-man 4. Ignore the jokes, I really love Spider-man!

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