Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Star tortoise>> Gokie..Welcome to my life!

My new tortoise..Gokie. I bought it from a guy through a forum. It was a bargain getting this from him. First, the size of the tortoise was big! Second, he gave me free gifts as well..(lamp, hays, calcium powder and cactus) 

Seller was from Malacca, so I had to go all the way there to get the tortoise. Lucky me..his friend who lives in Klang was in Malacca that time. In the end, I dealt with his friend back in Shah Alam (in front of F&N Beverages Malaysia) and I made him to wait for 1 hour plus..Didn't give him a good impression. :) 

Overall, the seller was very good and friendly. We are friends in Facebook now and we have 1 mutual friend. Such a small world! He taught me how to feed the tortoise with Opuntia cactus and Calcium powder!

I never feed any of my previous tortoise with Opuntia cactus even though I read before they love it. So, when I fed them with Opuntia, Giddie being the shy one...straight away walked to the Opuntia (NEVER happened before)..I paused for 5 seconds with my mouth wide open.."terkejut".  Some might imagine when I cut open the cactus..liquid will flow out..but that's not the case. Inside Opuntia, it feels like Aloe vera. 

Then another surprise happened! Giddie ate along with "Gokie". That never happened when Giddie was with Goldie. Now I believe with the right foods, we can be UNITED. Just look at Malaysia for an example..Malaysians will hang out at mamak..I'm slowly diverting to another topic huh..

Err...Don't be confused with Goldie, Giddie and  Goldie (no longer with me). 

I guess it will takes me 4-5 years before my tortoise can be as big as grandma one. When I went back to Alor Star for CNY two weeks ago, grandma tortoise macam gajah. Gajah yang mohawk because of the pyramiding on the shell, but pyramiding is not good.

1 comment:

CK said...


My star got pecked by birds :( Trying to find another one..can please email me his contact?

harder & harder to find one these days =(

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