Last friday me n frens went for durian searching at night market at Parit Buntar cos we are hunger of durians. later we found a lorry selling durians cheaply..its really cheap..Rm5 per basket..n around 5 in a basket. we bought 4 baskets..haha..without hesitation..tat's for total for around 20+ durians for 8 peoples. i didn't expect to have a fantastic durians here..cos its really i know i shouldn't complain much tis time..unlike in Donald's Durian case..

we cut d durian..yes..i mean cut..jus like cutting cake..haha..cos we don't have d kind of durian knife..its was pretty funny..After going through our "quality inspection", around 65% of the durians tak boleh makan. Either it is wet, damn wet, taste sour, belum masak, rotten and berulat!!! Ewwwww...fark man..disgusting..a lively maggot is inside..crawling..and its a really big big ulat..

2 of my frens wanted to taste it as well..cos we've seen in documentaries b4 tat those maggot boleh dimakan..sedap or not..i tak tau la..u ask the 2 fellas below..

Well, though 65% of the durians bought are rejected, i'm not as fark up as i am in Donald's Durian. 1st, i'm not given any assurance by boss that those were nice durians..they were honest..jus tat we want to taste cheap durians this time. Again..i want to stress here. Donald's Durian service was farkin bad, they cheat, they con, they laugh!!!

The moral of tis story is simple, if u want to eat a nice durians, don go for those in night market in lorry. most of the time, rejected durians were given. I'm not complaining against them tis time, wat i want to highlight was how big the maggot in it..haha..peace out
bro kutuk ppl say la kutuk ppl...wan to explain much much there :p
wei lepaskan la donald's durian.u already back to penang ledi.still tak mau lepaskan them?
fark lo lepaskan Donald's durian..i wan his name busuk like ur shit ah..u go c d comments at Donald's durian blog..i oso dunno from they kutuk him as ghost oso won't lepas him ah..
wei i really din complain la tis time..
u really enjoy eating durian ming?! am quite surprised! last time i bought durian.. 3 polistyrene pinggan yg ada cover plastik tu..i dunno wat to call em..not kotak not basket n not that i know..that 3 cost me rm50..each got 6 ulas kot..but very satisfied kaw! mmg yummy n isi byk weh! if u want it..go to giant near malawati stadium shah alam..haha
suprised?..nth 2 whole family love d durians u bought sure superb nice..18ulas for rm50 is worth it if its delicious..melawati stadium prob..i'll go when bac..haha..x jauh mane la..
bro yest i just bought 3 biji rm21. inside just got 8 ulas. but i think worth la.quite nice...the fellow told me 24 durian.dunno wut species also.
wei enough of durian la
every post oso durian only
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