Hello fellas..i need to share this story with you all cos i think we really should boikot this kind of cheater..haha..hey i'm serious..don laugh along.Banish Them!
last monday, me and family went for durians as our dinner at DONALD'S DURIAN at SS2. i repeat..it's DONALD'S DURIAN at SS2, PJ. The service provided was so so bad..I'll list down one by one as we go through..
last monday, me and family went for durians as our dinner at DONALD'S DURIAN at SS2. i repeat..it's DONALD'S DURIAN at SS2, PJ. The service provided was so so bad..I'll list down one by one as we go through..

1) Straight after we sit down at his stall, the worker straight away collect for money from us without even asking what type of durians we want. N for you guys info, it cost RM10 per person for EAT ALL YOU CAN. I'm sure everyone know what EAT ALL YOU CAN means.bt i don't the cheating boss know..because he's cheating!!
2) After paying, a worker ask us what durian we want. Of course we go for EAT ALL YOU CAN.Then, we were served for 3 rounds and each round they serve at average 2 durians..sum up..7 adults ate 6 durians .
3) After finishing 6th durian, i requested for another from one of fark up face Bangladeshi worker. I didn't call him fark up face for no purpose, his face at that moment was like i'm eating without paying! What kind of guy is that?
4)Fark up face then pick up a durian from basket n open it for us. Upon serving, we notice the durian was so so watery(berair)and none among us wanted to touch it. (Yeah i RM10 is cheap for eat all you can but can't you serve us with a proper durian, not a rotten one) hey fellas..tell me..who in the world would want to eat such durian even though we jus pay RM10 per person.
5)So i call fark up face and request him to change for another and guess what he replied.."Makanlah..Tak Boleh Tukar..Dah Habis"..i didn't create this dialogue myself..it is just that those disrespect words were still fresh in my mind.
6)Lucky the other worker change it for us..he threw it into garbage! Then, he call fark up face to bring the new one to our table. He did bring it..before he reach our table, he whisper in his language (which i assume was either scolding or cursing)..and everyone from the table can listen to that clearly.
7)After finishing the 7th, my brother doesn't want to bother the workers anymore, so he approached the boss(Donald) and ask for new durian. The boss replied.."Finish d, no more.The durians finish d..What to do.This is not eat all you can , its eat what i have". WHile the boss was saying that, the wife was smiling beside him. Fark U husband and wife for showing disrespect to your customers!!
So guys, do you think i'm at the wrong side for requesting again and again for durians..hey..i'm going for EAT ALL YOU CAN. not like what the boss mentioned..eat what i have.
Remember we as the customer make demand, when there's no demand for DONALD'S DURIAN, eventually they'll 'chap lap'.
Hopefully, they'll get balasan..REVENGE OF NETTOBOY!
ppl just wan earn little money wei..
dun kutuk ppl at here la...
ppl just earn u few ringgit only wut.
wei i didn't mean 2 kutuk for tis blog..i act really plan 2 complain bout tat guy eh..mmg kurang ajar u know..
i understand how you feel,coz i experienced it b4....Donald is cheating the customer...they dun even have enough durian for you to EAT ALL YOU CAN! Most of the durian is for display only...
ya.. is all scam. all part of marketing to attract u all to come. can we complain this to consumer department? i went there and they say finish. then 2 skinny ladies come, then he say got the RM10 ringgit all you can eat package.. apalah...
haram i fucking hate when he said eat all i have la, wut do u mean by that. then dont do business la, he can say he have 2 durians only for the day
hey act they really haram..u can c d monk pic inside rite..they served him with special durian.saw them take out from special basket..serious..PLs spread,,cal ur fren don buy from him
i help u spread ledi=p
my friends plan goto makan this few days 1.
now they dun wan go ledi.
musicbeng..really thanks a lot..act CHEATER is DONALD'S DURIAN nia.d other 2 stalls thr is honest
Pls don’t eat there. I tried the durian buffet RM10 yesterday and I felt so conned of my money. Here are the reasons:
1) All durians presented to us wwre not ripe, too mushy or had worms. We weren’t expecting top notch but at least something presentable. But we tried 6 durians, only 1 was edible and I am serious. Go visit the other stalls if u must eat the buffet.
2) The long waiting time. The Banglas were taking so long that it got everyone waiting so impatiently for the durians to come to their table. Seeing the disgruntled customers, and being one myself coz we kept calling n calling for them to bring the durian, they only brought one at a time. So this Bangla guy bought us one small durian. I knew i had to wait at least 10 mins after i finish eating this, so i ask him to put 2 at my table. to my horror, he refused and said just eat what u have. the other customers were as shocked as i am coz he had the cheek to say that even when he take so long to bring one durian over.
It was a frustrating experience. Go eat elsewhere.
P/S – During that night (yesterday), we saw at least 2 couples near us leaving as soon as eating js 2 durians, coz of the BAD DURIANS & BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE! I tried eating at the other stalls before, and the staff were more than eager to bring me good durians.
OOOO I know which FARK UP face u referring to. I dealt with him too. And he pissed me off i yelled at him! So mm kam yin to work. Bloody a$$.
Agree Donald's Durian cheat our money ... last year i went with a friend ... i said we want eat all you can high end which cost RM 25 ... as we were eating the worker there writing down what durian we ask for and weighing each one ... after we had eaten about 4 durians ... we called the worker over to pay ... the bill was RM 100+ ! WTF ? i called Donald over and ask him "isnt this all you can eat?" Donald just shrugs his shoulder and says "i dont know he kira one" looking at the worker ... i didnt want to want to argue further with him ... i will never go there again ... dont get cheated !
ya i remember dat time, was last year. the 'eat all you can' banner was still up thr. after finishing eating, he said dont have dat offer oredi. bugger!!
Horrible. Pls pass this along. Pls let everyone know. I js passed by and saw many innocent ppl being "robbed" in broad daylight! I caused a scene over my case where he served me rotten durians. Nxt time, everyone shud make a ruckus, so tht those present would know.
Haiyah...you dont have money then dont complaint so much lar! Give RM10 only aspect...to even Good Durian...dont dream lar!
To Anonymous July 12, 6:07am, it's not about the money. I paid the same amount at other stalls and got better stuff. If the whole world has the same lackadaisical attitude like u, where is improvement? It's about ETHICS!
shame on Donald's durian..BOOO!!!..
not this 1 right?
actually got many durian buffet stall there, m i rite? which 1 is the best?
hey tat's SS2 durian.(d name of the stall is SS2 durian) d location is near traffic light..THIS STALL SERVICE IS A LOT BETTER THAN donald's durian. Donald's durian location is at T-junction.
My opinion, the best durian stall at SS2 has to be DURIAN SS2..service good..honest..reasonable price..i'm honestly tellin tis..
hey bro come on la... so manny demand... u are only paying RM 10 leh ... LOL..... and dun cpmpliant so much .. what u pais what u get la .. if really dun like go for other 1 la ... just only RM 10 compliant so much ... if up to 100 buck then u got to sue him lo LOL.... bit sutpiddd... la LOL
I disagree with you Anonymous at 3.26am. It's about business practice, business ethics. it's ppl like u, with this kind of mentality which spoils the market. so typical. If u dun mind ur RM10, i suggest u donate to this blogger, or drive up to Donald, put RM10 and walk off.
Not really stupid... I disagree with him too... At least ur case isn't like mine.. RM9 eat till u full.. also SS2.. end up need to pay 69 RM no price list also... mon- fri ate on mon.. aih.. sucks.. bad
omg..u end up paying tat amount of $..wat's the story bro..how come..tel us.so tat we won't fall for tat trick again..pls don tel me its DONALD's DURIAN AGAIN!!!!
haha..yeah not suprised if it is..not much stall selling eat all u can in ss2. lambat laun Donald's Durian sure kena balasan wan..
well...it is pretty obvious what you guys are doing here
In political sense it is like personal attack
I am a little skeptic about some of the comments here...they are skewed to running down this Donald's Durian business
Personally, I have eaten there when since I was 20 yo and now i am in my thirdties
I have had good and bad durians thoughout this period...but bad ones were always been replaced with good ones and as business became busier...of course the time to serve increase also.
It is just like some famous pan mee stall lar...like some do not mind waiting till half an hour for a bowl of it...same applies here!
Perhaps others out of jealously have reacted in such fashion...which is understandable...cos it seems like a lousy and cheapskate business tactics via the internet
Seriously, i have no issue eating there as he is the pioneer of durian in SS2...if since his business can survive so long till now...doesnt that enough to tell you something good about it...and if he was a cheater...i bet he should have out of business since eons ago.
Just my 2 cent worth...
to KS Kevin,
i really appreciate ur comment here.
On your statement tat wat those guys who comment here is bit of personal attack..i don't know wheather others experience tat wit Donald b4..BUT I"M 1 of THE CUSTOMER WHO FELT CHEATED BY HIM.
me..personal attack?..yes i did cal tat bangla fark face..bt wat i'm complaining here was tat the services by them was below poor.
taking $ from us first, n tell us no more stock moments later was a disgrace.
Kevin, by d way..d services i mean is not havin us to wait long..queue long...but..it is not fulfilling wat he had put at banner..EAT ALL YOU CAN. I don't mind waiting if d food n services are good..
Agrred.donald durian up to today nvr ever improve.the guy passed away in nov 2013 but the cheating still goes on.careful.
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