here are some of the pics taken from which show how cruel and stupid Setapak shredders are. wonder why i mention cruel..that's bcos they rompak my buddy of course. i can jus hope that happen to their family members. let them feel d derita. and why i called them stupid perompak..look at below pics..

do you notice the music player there?..they didn't grab it!!! Bodoh. so i guess these Setapak perompak are those with guts but no brain.
What they took from his car?..not much actually..again it prove they are stupid. Setapak Perompak target the wrong car. i doesn't want to mention what those moron took from my buddy's trust me..sikit saja. The paling berharga stuff stolen from my buddy is the expired GSC vouchers. haha..

my buddy was lucky that this glass did not hancur berderai. bt his new window have no more sun protector like Air Cool. sure panas gile..

look at the mess in the car. Setapak Moron leave behind Genting tissue box and the lion doll.they selongkar everywhere.
celaka punya budak!
My own theory was that those Setapak Moron target this car cos they saw the Genting tissue box. They assume that this owners frequently visit Genting Highland Casino. n so he have lots of $.

and here is another victim. Perodua Kancil..duh..wrong target again..
same case like my buddy..
What trouble most, semua not what get its the mess they leave behind. duit buta spent on new glass and vacuuming the car.
I'm the 1st person who sit on the front seat straight after he vacuumed it. Though he did vacuum his car, i feel pain at my back when i sit on the front seat. haha..i guess its bcos of the cebisan kaca. or maybe i think too much..i even called him to check my see any blood..haha..
My message ALL of my frens living in SETAPAK, shift now while you are still capable of doing so. Why putting your life at risk? Remember a UTAR student's hand get chopped off before..Setapak was meant for criminals..UTAR student..go find better place la!
sikit ur me wut i lost.
wei dun talk till u r caring friend.tak rasa pun:P
that day dunno who ask me dun need to repair the window and go to bowling with them...
wei really care la..haha..i ask u repair later nia la..bowl is a must eh ma..
wei today u hutang me 50 cents ledi...
u better pay back me!
later if shop close and hujan then my car gone lo?
man, the genting tissue box reason is lame
and thank goodnes that his bear is not stolen
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