i reach Genting Highlands around 1.30pm along with bro. Rush to CoffeeTerrace immedietly where i must register as a media.haha.
there, i met Phat fabes and Ben from Pagi Show and i'm given free lunch..yummy..
I was given a mini set of remote control car too...you fellas can buy that from BHP petrol station..bt i get that FOC.haha..that car was marvelous..it is mini..bt..pheww..superb..
i went there at 1 something but they start the race for media at 9pm!!!.. no thanks to the rain..we waited for so many hours..bt that's ok..BHP models cure my 'rasa bosan'. i manage to snap some picture with Pagi Show Crews..

i was picked to race with Ben..he's a nice guy.he overtake me at end of warm up lap..duh..malu..it was just a warm lap..that's why i didn't go fast..haha..bt then i manage to catch up..it was hell lot of fun racing in a kart.
i used to have the impression that Genting's kart is super slow..that even walking is faster than it..bt that night..pheww...I guess Genting overhaul the engine..it was fast..and i was fast too..haha..
At last i didn't win the race..some expert won it..bt what i'm enjoyin was the experience..After the race..i was given a free room at 1st World Hotel..and that room was different from ALL the rooms in 1st world..it was big..there's sofa..the bathroom is big enough for 4 person..haha..
What an experience..Fly FM..Bravo..
lousy la wei...
kalah ledi still post here :p
wei dai lo..u know go race eh is pro lai leh..sure lose la..i wan hao lian d pic ma.
wahh.. u hero get to take pics with celebrities. envy u wei ming. btw, calvin here :D
haha..no need envy la..hey by d way..they r very frenly..especially Ben..they r not so superstar kot..haha
hey buddy..i'm 1 of d contestant..remember me? Fuad?haha..peace
i also envy u wei =p(bagi muka)
u get last anot?
prize is from 1st to 3rd..i din get prize bt i'm fast..so i tink i get 4th lo..
4 carts only ha? hahhaa...cayaklah ming.. coz u got the chance to stay at that room! hahahhaha
heY,buddy..u r a celeb now..i mean at least u got to take pic wth those not-very-known guys rght..hehe..anyway,cool to be there huh,wohoo..you must be so proud boy..haha..can i get a hand on the mini car,yeah..that one m talking about,..yeah,i want to break it into twoo..grrrr..so jelous of you..hahahahehehehe..kidding buddy.Paulking=)
yo macha, u still got clicked dont worry :p
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