i came across an article on belly..and ways to prevent it from happening to us...wanted to share it here..as the number of my friends havin belly are increasing..normally frens tat hv gf WILL have belly..haha..and tat's a fact!
For u guys info..thr are 4types of tummy..aka belly..1) Beer belly 2) Flabby tummy 3) Love handles (majority of bf havin tis) 4) Shapeless tummy![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_sWjJs4tp6O8/SncYJkCZQqI/AAAAAAAAAGI/zTWp8LBBHNg/s400/beer+belly.bmp)
Unlike women,men tend to store fat in their abdomen due to genetics. Adominal fat cells seem to be more metabolically active than fat stored in thighs and buttocks (areas used by women for fat storage). In short, fat tends to get stored there first, bt also fat used as energy seems to be drawn from tat area 1st.
Now, ways to get rid of belly..
1) Eat breakfasts like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper..
2) Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day BUT try not to drink with meals (excess fluid at mealtime can dilute concentration of digestive enzymes)
3) Eat small BUT frequent meals. 4-6 small meals a day optimises ur ability to absorb nutrients.
and following ways are a bit boring
4) Eliminate junk food
5) Eat foods high in fibre
6) Include aerobic...and bla bla bla..the following steps doesn't attract me..so i jus ignore it..Yal will know it anyways..its common sense..
To all my friends..tak kisah u r male or female..follow d steps above..stay fit..and you'll definitely have the abs below...![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sWjJs4tp6O8/SncZgW9PalI/AAAAAAAAAGQ/yRF18RjsDbU/s320/6pack.bmp)
well, talking is indeed easy, but applying it is very very difficult. i came aware of all the 6 steps, and it lasted me for at most, 1 week. the hardest part is step 6. to iniate the hardwork is very hard. and for u my fren, i hope u begin right after u wrote this blog (but i wish u dont, as u remain who u are is the best :p)
hey..i must..i'm goin to Bali soon..mus looks nice when takin pic..my pic should hv no belly..should hv 6 pack..i'll do sit up EVERYDAY..up til the day i go to BAli..Hurray!!!
ming u should post before and after 6 pack pic la.
bila go bali?tak ajak us pun.
siao..post b4 n after..whr got so fast get d effect..i go bali at november..wit coursemate..yal owaz wan work dpt duit..mana mungkin yal wan spend money..go 5days nia..
haha...i tot oni gal will concern on this stuff, coz wana wear bikini...man normally wont concern abt this..but anyway..if u failed to hv 6 pack until the day u went to bali, i will help u to do editing on ur pic..FOC..make you look fit n hv 6 pack...hahaha... guess who am i..
hey Anonymous, i won't capture kB of pics.its Giga..bt hope you'll offer it FOC tat time..haha.. nowadays, men do concern about their appearance..metrosexual..no macha..i dunno who r u..no idea la wei..i have millions of frens ok..hehe
u got clicked
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