Well, today wasn't a good day for me..but that was totally cured by attending Orianthi's Live at Life Centre,KL. Totally cured! What do we know about Orianthi other than her being Michael Jackson lead guitarist in the movie "This Is It" and her smash hits: According to you and Shut Up and Kiss Me?
Well, I still know Orianthi play with Steve Vai as well..and that's all that I know about her..but who cares? I'll still go to her concert! :) I bought Rock Zone ticket but I think my location is way better than those at VIP seats. VIP have their seats, but their distance with the stage is the furthest and they can't reach for any guitar picks thrown by Orianthi and her band! So no clear and nice photo for the VIPs. Too bad.
Notice anything similar between this photo and my ruumz photo?...Both are in Manchester United shirt!..hehe
Before we went to the stage, I noticed Prem from Fly Fm dressed in a skirt. Wasn't sure what's happening..Maybe he lose some bet against Jules and punished to wear that? Attractive though..haha
Ok..4 things that excites me the most are:
a) I get to see Orianthi singing her hits and shredding her guitars! Awesome!
b) I manage to grab 3 of Orianthi's guitar picks..she just threw it to the crowds
c) the most important one- I manage to hug her and have her photos taken!! Tell me I'm not dreaming!
d) I manage to take lots of her photos..phewww
I can't remember the name for this sweet girl..she's opened for Orianthi..She's good..I mean her voice..A young talent!
Then Hunny Madu as the host..sambil eating lolipop sambil hosting the show..cool huh.
Orianthi plays with her guitar and singing songs from her album..sad to admit..I just know 3 of her songs..hehe..1 thing that the crowds can observed in Orianthi is this girl is ANOTHER PERSON when she's with her guitar. Fuh..she's like having drugs..very HIGH! I guess that's her talent..she really enjoying herself while playing her guitar. Look at below photo.
Look at those guitar picks along Orianthi's mic. stand...I manage to take 1 thrown by her! fuhlamak!
Guess what, Orianthi show off her skill as well..She lie down on the floor and shred her guitar ( Yes I know lying down is not a skill but you can see her skills while she's playing) I'm not a guitar expert but I can sense she play well with her guitar... :) Enjoy those photos
What did I learn after watching Orianthi perform?...I'll definitely "Shut up and Kiss her"
I'm thrilled everytime I saw Orianthi perform her solo skill..especially the one in her hitz songs>>According to you and Shut up and kiss me..can't stop cheering...
O...R...I...A...N..T...H....I... Would you marry me...(I'm a freak!)
This is Orianthi's guitarist..He may be small but this guy can rock the show!!.. jangan main main!
Lovely..leaning onto each other...
That was cool, isn't it..
Haven't notice photo of me with Orianthi?
PS- I'll share my photos taken with Orianthi and possibly, her video at next post. Will post it after coming back from my convo..hehe