Last week, my faculty (School of Mechanical Engineering) held our very own Mechanic Night at Cititel Hotel, Penang. As 4th year senior, we were required to pay ONLY Rm40..lesser than other years..but do we deserve it?.. ;p..Hell yes..hehe
As far as I'm concerned, other faculty charge nothing on 4th year senior..Well, that's their tradition..Ours are way different. Ok back to the night..The theme was "Red Carpet"...It was my last night in USM..I mean that "night"..The seniors were really looking forward to it..We prepared our cloths, set our messy hair, sprayed some perfume (and yes..we smell nice that night) before the event. You can sense the excitement among our friends..OR it was just me who are excited!!!
We, as the seniors..were so sorry that we arrived at the night at 7.30 instead of 6.30pm. All because of some friends lewat datang lahh.. (we planned to walk into the hall we waited for others)..we miss a performance by juniors during the period. Oops!!!
Here's how I look like at the night..a plump boy stuck in a hat?..huh..DOn't say that please..but its funny though ;p Some even mentioned that I looks like Jacky Wu..the Taiwan famous celebrity..All because of the hat and my big head kot.. Kane betul!!!

The night didn't go as what I expected..It was dull..Foods was OK...and the events was so little.. We terkejut when we heard that the MCs announced that we'll choose the Prom King/ Queen at 9 something..Pheww..That was early!! (Hotel management wanted us to berambus before 11pm) Announcing King/Queen at 9 something was still very early.. But me as usual..Prefer to think positive..hehe..
"What??? Announcing King/ Queen so early?"
When think positive- Its means we can berambus early and go clubbing secepat mungkin..Yeahhh!!!!
candidates for Prom King
In the end...All of us "berambus' to Mois night club..just a stone throw away from Cititel Hotel..and the rest...huh..heaven...Let's not get into that ;p
Thanks to all the juniors who are involved in the night..Yal did a good job..Especially my "adik'..Cheryl Sim
Here's some selected photos from the night..(not in order)
me with all the girls from my course
Do I look happy ;p

We love to pose and take pic..baru ada gaya!!

Pose tak habis habis
1 comment:
Jimmy Cheng & Jacky Wu?
Fat & thin version only lo...
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