Whenever i back to PJ during Uni break, i'll always look forward to 3 things..Family, Foods and Chicks..haha
Last week Raya break at PJ was fantastic because i manage to consume a LOT of mooncakes ( M.C)..and i really mean a lottttt....Below pic shows only half of the amount.

i consider me and family as a hardcore mooncakes consumers, simply because so far, we have eaten 12 boxes of mooncakes, equivalent to 48 pieces of M.C. Average price for a piece is Rm11.00. Yal do the counting..haha
Sister (http://chengijin.blogspot.com/) manage to get company discount (30%) on Tai Thong M.Cs. She bought 4 boxes of it. Everything from Tai Thong was great this year except its
"mixed nuts" flavour.

Even my dad who loves mixed nuts M.C critic it too. Me, being our family biggest eater doesn't bother about the critic. I'll sapu every M.Cs that they don't like..haha.. I just loves M.Cs so much.

During Raya break, we ate M.Cs almost every night. Going for traditional way of eating M.C with a cup of tea is just the perfect supper for us. Bravo!
This year, it can be observed that most of the manufacturers emphasis on their packaging. I believe some people buy M.C just to get its box.

Surprisingly, I find 'Casahana' M.C yummy yummy! It surprises me because i never heard of this name before, let alone its M.C. But i was told that Casahana was in M.C market for years. Guess what..even 'Sushi King' are selling M.C from Casahana but under their label.

My first impression on Sushi King M.C was like..this M.C must have some sushi in it..Manatau bila makan..phewww..Ho Chiak leh!

Straight away i think..Sushi King so kheng ah..can do such M.C. Its M.C have no sushi in it, tapi ada pumpkin + yam. Brilliant blend of mixture. Casahana may be underdog to me in this M.C industry, but their products simply Ho Chiak!
My favourite Casahana M.C is Pumpkin Taro (mixture of yam and pumpkin)...New flavour.but its blend of the 2 things is wonderful.

My favourite M.C among all has to be from Teochew. They specialise on Teochew Yam M.C. its main difference is in its structure. just look at pic below.

I guess not many try their M.C before. We can only buy their M.C at their KL branch. Their previous restaurant used to be at PJ (near KDU and Atria). I can't see any of their M.C at hypermarket. I guess their reluctance to do so make their M.Cs so berharga.

Sis purposely went to KL to purchase their famous yam M.C. Every trip is worth it. Teochew still manage to maintain their M.C's quality. When i taste it, i can feel it..the feeling when i first consume it as a kid. No kidding, i can still remember every seconds of me tasting it.

Another outstanding M.C has to be from Six Happiness. Their white lotus is simply number 1 in Malaysia. Again the nostalgic feeling was there when I ate it..haha..other flavours are great too, but none as standout as its white lotus.

Sis bought Haewaytian M.C as well. This brand is like the si fu in this M.C industry. Its M.C is delicious, but there's no wow factor in it. Unlike Casahana and Six Happiness.

Sis bought Foh San "Heong Fah Biscuit" aka kung chai peng too. Ipoh lads may familiar with this name. Nowadays, their M.C are so expensive. Their kung chai peng are the same but we craze so much for it. So, sis just bought 1 box of it. Macha..it smell good with kuaci in it..Its texture is so soft yet firm.

To all my friends, it is still not too late to grab some M.C to celebrate Mooncakes Festival. Recommended brand in order..
1) Six Happiness
2) Casahana
3) Teochew
4) Oversea/ Tai Thong
5) Haewaytian

There's an old saying in Chinese (direct translation), "I consume salt more than your consumption of rice. I have my own saying too and i dare to recommend those M.C because
"I eat mooncakes more than your consumption of rice"
WARNING***Mooncakes are not only for Chinese, it is also highly recommended for all Malaysians.
dang, make me hungry nia!~
go grab 1 mooncake n makan la..x de ke?..pi beli la..sedap la..
wa.. ur post cured my "mooncake"phobia. (drooling)
#i ate too much at home. din dare to bring em back to campus#
tarak duit beli la macha... tunggu balik kebas duit mak and beli. hehe!~
ey, eat so much, mau ternak lemak ke?
hitsu- i'm glad tat i cure such phobia..be nice to mooncake la..1 day u sure won't get enough of them
Phei- hey i luv d word ternak lemak. sounds new to me..haha..baik u cepat kebas..mooncake fest tis saturday..cepat sebelum habis..
wow, banyak nya mooncake
one thing i amaze bout u, u wont get phobia by eating alot :p *ahem ahem curry puffs*
can u suggest which 1 tak sedap ah???looks like all oso taste nice to you...betul ka??hahah...
happy mooncake festival to you...
walau...u can go collect money from all the restaurant you mention d...free publicity for them...
anonymous- i don know leh. sis n bro din bought any tak sedap m.c. so no bad suggestion lo..
CJL- if i famous blogger i'll go collect la..me jus tiny ant..no need la..
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