i can't believe what i jus watched...Malaysia do have a wonderkid in football..Wan Kuzain Wan Kamal..11 years old..born to a malaysian ( his dad)..but currently residing in America.
1 thing for sure, with proper guidance..this kid will definitely be a superstar!
hopefully FAM can keep track of him...AND persuade him to represent Malaysia in the future.
Take a look at the video, you'll witness his amazing talents. He can shoots, dribbles, have killer pass and wonderful first touch. He's fast and tricky too.Guess what, he can did trick like Ronaldinho
Please bear in mind that he's only 11 years old. He outperformed lads of his age.
its a shame that i'm not able to share the video here. the format of the video i possess is not supported by blogspot..too bad..and youtube is block here..so i can't find the link in it too..SORRY..but yal can search for this talented Wan Kuzain Wan Kamal in youtube. Just search his name and his amazing video will be there..ENJOY!!!
Latest@@@@ go to this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICNJEfCgHn4 to watch this wonderkid in action!
Latest@@@@ go to this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICNJEfCgHn4 to watch this wonderkid in action!
pundek la...your video cannot watch wei.
yaya./sorry.i know it..wil change d format soon..sorry..hehe
malaysia got alot heroes, just that they dont stay here :(
yeah..agree..jus like u tis talented musician..wasted ur talent nia..haha
Really its a wonderful post!!....this kid will definitely be a superstar!He had an amazing talents.I am so happy to leave my comment on this nice post....
yeah celina..its true..tis kid will definitely be a superstar sooon..bt too bad..not much news on him currently..hopefully some club will recruit him...Malaysia will be proud ;p
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