How I would protect the world from the Decepticons, and which Autobots character would I like to transform into to protect the world? Hmmm….Let's watch the trailer first..

They have no choice other than to cooperate.
By asking the world leaders to cooperate, that is almost impossible. We need to show them some example of united in a nation. There is no better example than Malaysia! We are known as 1 Malaysia. The world community can be called 1 World. Sounds lame, I know! For those unwilling to cooperate, assign some mini Autobots to advise them. If they insist, threaten them! No more time to compromise when our mother earth is about to go down.
Isn’t that good if we can save the world while promoting Malaysia as well..1 Malaysia>> the key to unlock the world unity! Decepticons present us with a chance to be UNITED and fight as one! The world should know if we stay UNITED, we can be very strong. Decepticons might be no match at bit of assistance from Autobots! Remind them on the one of the GREATEST FOOTBALL CLUB- MANCHESTER UNITED, they stay UNITED and fight as a team, which explain why their cabinets are full with trophies.
Then, we need to have a meeting with Autobots and question them on the Cybertronian spacecraft on the Moon. We need to know why that spacecraft is so important before we can help. After the discussion, the world leaders, USA, Russia and China can cooperate to send their space shuttle to the moon with some Autobots to discover about the spacecraft before Decepticons get hold of it.. Hopefully Malaysia can let our first and only spaceflight participant, Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor to slip in the shuttle and make Malaysia proud again.
Now, it is time to utilize those who practice jihad or kamikaze. Ask them to die along with the Decepticons if they are so passionate in killing themselves and taking others‘ life. Terrorist should be engage in this task too. There is no time to have a conference or forum to discuss on the rewards with them anymore. Make them an offer that they could not resist. Don’t let them think twice!
They should be at the front line whenever we battle with Decepticons. In exchange with their bravery, I shall advise the government to give them some important position if we won the battle. (Never expect them to survive fighting the Decepticons at the front line) Well, at least they help to weaken the Decepticons. A museum for them maybe, but keep it a secret from them. I actually plan to engage Osama bin Laden in this task a few days before his death. I would have made him the Chief Terrorist Officer. Too bad! Tsk tsk tsk...
As for the military countries involved, ask them to prepare for war anytime soon. I need to convince the world leader not to hide their secret weapon anymore, they should show it to the world. What will be a better platform than battling with the Decepticons using their secret weapons! I shall convince country like North Korea (who loves to test their military weapon on other country battleship), to test their missile on Decepticons. Best part for them, they need not to scratch their head to find a lame reason to explain to the world on their weapon testing program. Just test it on Decepticons. Unlimited testing! Tempting enough for Kim Jong-il?
Before the battle, in order to lighten up the fighting spirit of the warriors, I would suggest all of them to hold their hand, while we play the song “Hold my hand” by Michael Jackson and Akon. After holding each other hands, so that the warriors can feel the warmness between each other, we should continue the music with “We are the world” by Michael Jackson again. For those who don’t understand English, they need not sing it, holding their hands can do all the bonding! Then, we can go to war with Decepticons with the passion and spirit as a world!
Solving this problem on Decepticons actually helps to decrease the amount of terrorists and guerillas in the world. In short, we help to save the world from Decepticons attack and we get rid of unwanted civilians in the world. Let’s say, if the terrorists manage to survive the battle, awarding them a place in government is silly! So we can assign the Autobots to make them vanish from our sight! How we do it- Kill them! The base of my solution is only to provide peace to the world and live as a world, rather than a world of many countries.
Given the chance, I would like to transform into Optimus Prime to protect the world. He is the leader of the pack and I love to be a leader.
omg.. i support decepticons ler. ><
engtaukia...u baddie la...go support decepticons..traitor!!! ;p
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