Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Red Riding Hood movie..just like Twilight..because of the same Director!

Red Riding Hood 2011, in short, is like a vampire movie to me. Well, it was directed by Twilight’s director, so what else can you expect? Ask this first, what do we have in Twilight?

In Twilight, we have 2 hot and handsome guys as lead actors and an above average looking lady as lead actress! 

So it is the same in Red Riding Hood. Shiloh Fernandez and Max Irons as the lead actors and Amanda Seyfried the lead actress. Seyfried who? Remember her in Mamma Mia???? Ah ha! She’s the one!

For the 2 actors, they are basically no one before this movie. They might still remain no one after this movie  ;p  Interesting info to share, for those who watch Gossip Girl series, Shiloh Fernandez actually appeared in one of the episode. One more interesting one, Shiloh lost the Twilight role to Robert Pattinson!!

Do you know why I didn’t mention a single shit about Max Irons? Because he is really no one before this movie. Just go Wikipedia him and the story of Red Riding Hood. That’s what I always said in my movie preview (go Wikipedia the story for the movie)>>lame. (

We all read the story of Red Riding Hood since we were just a kid. But for those that don’t have such childhood memory, go and read the short story. I pity those who just clicked the attached link. are boring as a kid, do you? ;p

So now that you have read the kid’s version, you have a brief idea of what to expect from the movie! The kid’s version will only make up 5% of the story. 95% of the story happened before Red Riding Hood met the wolf inside her granny’s cottage.

Red Riding Hood is a bit like Scream 4, cause it will keep you guessing who is the werewolf. Is it her granny, her mum, her dad, Peter or Henry.  The least expected one is always the culprit!

Red Riding Hood’s granny was portrait as a creepy lady. She smiles like a ghost. Honestly, that is neither sweet nor normal. Like a ghost! She smiles with “udang sebalik batu” look, guess they want us to suspect her as the wolf.

One thing 100% between the movie and cartoon is the conversation between granny and Red Riding Hood.

“Little Hood asked Granny “what big ears you have got".  "All the better to hear you with, my child" replied granny. "And what big eyes you have" "All the better to see you with, my dear." 

She saw the big teeth of her granny and asked her again "What big teeth you have”. "The entire better to eat you with," cried her granny and jumped on the little girl.”

If you are the one who love Twilight movie, you will love this movie as well. It is not a bad movie though. I like it, no complain since it is free! =p Got handsome lead actors, girls sure like it!

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Reanaclaire said...

Hope you can contact me... i have some offers for you about movies.. thanks!


Yulia Fajrin said...

love amanda seyfried!

tika said...

I dont' like Twilight movies, but I think this movie is great...

Netto Drumz said...

yeah it is nice..and i dont like Twilight too..never watch it..and never want to.. ;)

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