I came across this article at The Star last Sunday which I found really interesting. (http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/1/3/nation/5405489&sec=nation) Maybe I'm a bit outdated for knowing this creation now, but I'm sure lot of my friends (non- smokers) doesn't know about that either.
Hails the best creation around>>>> E- Cigarette

E- Cigarette looks, feels and tastes like a real cigarette but doesn’t hurt you, the ones around you or the environment. This micro-electronic technology does deliver a true smoking experience, only without the tobacco smoke and tar. Sounds cool huh..(You can smoke, but that won't hurt your health)
This cool stuff contains water, propylene glycol, nicotine and tobacco scent and, instead of exhaling smoke, you exhale harmless vapors. >>>Environment friendly cigarette.

You won't hear your mum mumbling you not to smoke any more, but she might offer you an option, " If you really want to smoke, go for E- cigarette". ;p

In short, its like your body receives all the nicotine it craves but without all the other nasty stuff, it’s a dream come true and best of all you can legally smoke it indoors. If you search more for this, you'll discover that this cigarette is rechargeable!!! Via a USB port..phewww...

No doubt, E- cigarette provide smokers with a clean alternative to smoking or as a device to help you quit. My opinion, government should provide free sample of E- Cigarette so that those who are deadly addicted to cigarette/ can't afford to quit can own one.
"Smoke a Healthy Way"
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