Whoa...wild boars were still spotted in my campus even after people were hired to chase it away..that operasi halau bb hutan fail la..guess how many boars i spotted..total 4..huh..the pictures captured were a bit blur..i took it from Jaya level 3, jauh tu..It was taken from Desasiswa Jaya, block 6 wing B..

15 nov 09, at 3.54pm..the mother of wild boars came out from bushes. I guess its a mom cos its size is big..and cause later her son and daughter ran out also..

After few minutes, one of the young boar appears from the bushes..it was so cute..haha..its size, its shape, its behaviour..hehe

Mom and young boar digging the land..that looks funny..cause they look like "'hantuk'" their head to the ground.

Moments later, another young boar ran out from the bushes..just like flash..so fast..running here and there..looks happy though,

Another young boar appears minutes later.total wild boars spotted to be 4..that's a lot..

uii very blur la..pics mcm mewarna crayon...cant recognize it is boar..sometimes looks like cat, dog ke,rusa pn boleh kot...haha..
beli camera baru fast la ming!
tarak kerja kat, ask u study ambik gambar babi utan plak
zugpitszy- 4give me la..i tingkat 3..kamera hp buruk..tat's y la..i pun rasa cam drawing..hehe..kamera akan dibeli dlm masa 3hari lagi..haha
Dead eye- duh..i mmg study tat time..bt suddenly saw them..special u know..
the day has come. now u can zoom and take a closeup pic of the boards with the 12x optical zoom :p
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