Fuh yor...i tak boleh tahan d..government kept bringing up so many campaigns on "buckle up our helmet"..but takkan they don't know that all these need to start from our leaders..they need to show "teladan baik"..
Just came across a picture in today's The Star article, 13th Nov 2009, (http://www.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/11/13/nation/5105230&sec=nation) our Deputy Prime Minister was riding on a bike without his safety helmet to have closer look at flood-hit villages at Kedah.Terrible..Worst still is this picture appear at front page.

Yes..i know some may argue that that was in the village..but as a DPM..he have to behave la.. Segala tindak tanduk DPM diperhati umum. What if the villagers think this way (lah..DPM pun tak pakai helmet..kita kena pakai ke..tak perlu la..pandu lambat cukup)..i bet some will think that way..What if a group of cows suddenly run across the road..accident la..
Look closer at the pic..even the rider behind our DPM knows how to buckle a helmet..malu lah!!
Come on DPM..show good example to the rest of Malaysians please..Between..I appreciate your visit to Kedah flood-hit area..but Please show good example while visiting. Every of your action and movement will be at all newspapers front page..
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