Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I have fingernails now! Proud of myself! :)

I have not "kopek" my fingernails for 1 month plus and that is something to be proud of. A very big thank you to Belvinder Kaur for helping me to kick away the bad habit. 

Previously, whenever I'm reading books or newspaper, my fingers will start to 'play' with my nails. That habit has been with me since I'm a kid. 

When one of my colleague noticed betapa cacatnya my nails. She suggested me to use nail paint and I did. It works!! Why?? Because it prevent me from "kopek'-ing when I'm about to play with my nails, the immediate respond from my brain pulls my hands away!!

 The reflex respond comes from the different feel on my feels (with additional layers of paint). So yeah, my nails are shining  brightly and some of my friends noticed that. Thank you Belvinder! 

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